TIMES/RESULTS | ||||||||||||
DATE | 10:30 AM | 11:30 AM | 12:30 PM | 01:30 PM | 02:30 PM | 03:30 PM | 04:30 PM | 05:30 PM | 06:30 PM | 07:30 PM | 08:30 PM | 09:30 PM |
2021-12-06 | 347-4 | 890-7 | 280-0 | 148-3 | 144-9 | 167-4 | 678-1 | 125-8 | 180-9 | 567-8 | 480-2 | 588-1 |
2021-12-07 | 136-0 | 149-4 | 127-0 | 889-5 | 256-3 | 269-7 | 789-4 | 300-3 | 225-9 | 369-8 | 560-1 | 348-5 |
2021-12-08 | 178-6 | 990-8 | 126-9 | 234-9 | 488-0 | 338-4 | 237-2 | 444-2 | 369-8 | 236-1 | 790-6 | 159-5 |
2021-12-09 | 247-3 | 449-7 | 238-3 | 460-0 | 145-0 | 450-9 | 399-1 | 678-1 | 568-9 | 268-6 | 800-8 | 270-9 |
2021-12-10 | 456-5 | 116-8 | 389-0 | 137-1 | 790-6 | 246-2 | 127-0 | 369-8 | 149-4 | 168-5 | 234-9 | 460-0 |
2021-12-11 | 278-7 | 347-4 | 559-9 | 140-5 | 199-9 | 479-0 | 146-1 | 200-2 | 134-8 | 279-8 | 599-3 | 500-5 |
2021-12-12 | 235-0 | 489-1 | 367-6 | 239-4 | 338-4 | 155-1 | 117-9 | 124-7 | ***-* | ***-* | ***-* | ***-* |
2021-12-13 | 246-2 | 679-2 | 588-1 | 258-5 | 126-9 | 789-4 | 479-0 | 157-3 | 470-1 | 224-8 | 140-5 | 360-9 |
2021-12-14 | 290-1 | 259-6 | 289-9 | 140-5 | 799-5 | 149-4 | 344-1 | 349-6 | 129-2 | 550-0 | 124-7 | 146-1 |
2021-12-15 | 139-3 | 244-0 | 467-7 | 200-2 | 100-1 | 139-3 | 459-8 | 130-4 | 137-1 | 150-6 | 667-9 | 248-4 |
2021-12-16 | 377-7 | 360-9 | 125-8 | 227-1 | 237-2 | 348-5 | 780-5 | 180-9 | 470-1 | 489-1 | 127-0 | 140-5 |
2021-12-17 | 488-0 | 379-9 | 450-9 | 137-1 | 346-3 | 400-4 | 889-5 | 126-9 | 367-6 | 670-3 | 370-0 | 477-8 |
2021-12-18 | 123-6 | 127-0 | 890-7 | 120-3 | 170-8 | 344-1 | 169-6 | 577-9 | 147-2 | 700-7 | 770-4 | 790-6 |
2021-12-19 | 569-0 | 128-1 | 599-3 | 577-9 | 159-5 | 179-7 | 280-0 | 270-9 | ****-* | ****-* | ****-* | ****-* |
2021-12-20 | 380-1 | 148-3 | 450-9 | 677-0 | 280-0 | 990-8 | 147-2 | 138-2 | 299-0 | 159-5 | 278-7 | 123-6 |
2021-12-21 | 789-4 | 233-8 | 238-3 | 200-2 | 560-1 | 340-7 | 456-5 | 356-4 | 199-9 | 127-0 | 300-3 | 257-4 |
2021-12-22 | 236-1 | 178-6 | 600-6 | 347-4 | 459-8 | 246-2 | 157-3 | 170-8 | 569-0 | 447-5 | 360-9 | 457-6 |
2021-12-23 | 566-7 | 189-8 | 156-2 | 127-0 | 100-1 | 123-6 | 350-8 | 355-3 | 590-4 | 149-4 | 146-1 | 780-5 |
2021-12-24 | 790-6 | 899-6 | 489-1 | 126-9 | 388-9 | 244-0 | 480-2 | 146-1 | 667-9 | 123-6 | 237-2 | 460-0 |
2021-12-25 | 124-7 | 499-2 | 346-3 | 290-1 | 240-6 | 258-5 | 370-0 | 570-2 | 234-9 | 159-5 | 457-6 | 139-3 |
2021-12-26 | 248-4 | 589-2 | 280-0 | 245-1 | 446-4 | 246-2 | 227-1 | 139-3 | ***-* | ***-* | ***-* | ***-* |
2021-12-27 | 270-9 | 127-0 | 247-3 | 159-5 | 123-6 | 330-6 | 145-0 | 580-3 | 189-8 | 157-3 | 129-2 | 179-7 |
2021-12-28 | 567-8 | 389-0 | 800-8 | 600-6 | 670-3 | 360-9 | 380-1 | 166-3 | 358-6 | 447-5 | 128-1 | 278-7 |
2021-12-29 | 770-4 | 290-1 | 268-6 | 229-3 | 566-7 | 588-1 | 250-7 | 138-2 | 680-4 | 679-2 | 270-9 | 560-1 |
2021-12-30 | 990-8 | 159-5 | 346-3 | 229-3 | 129-2 | 258-5 | 259-6 | 459-8 | 148-3 | 550-0 | 149-4 | 177-5 |
2021-12-31 | 369-8 | 460-0 | 679-2 | 200-2 | 260-8 | 500-5 | 367-6 | 280-0 | 147-2 | 567-8 | 668-0 | 125-8 |
2022-01-01 | 678-1 | 150-6 | 340-7 | 257-4 | 378-8 | 300-3 | 559-9 | 138-2 | 459-8 | 128-1 | 360-9 | 147-2 |
2022-01-02 | 799-5 | 244-0 | 159-5 | 134-8 | 489-1 | 900-9 | 126-9 | 400-4 | **** | **** | **** | **** |
2022-01-03 | 258-5 | 380-1 | 259-6 | 678-1 | 147-2 | 336-2 | 247-3 | 125-8 | 289-9 | 369-8 | 100-1 | 167-4 |
2022-01-04 | 580-3 | 179-7 | 278-7 | 789-4 | 111-3 | 237-2 | 169-6 | 467-7 | 690-5 | 123-6 | 300-3 | 600-6 |
2022-01-05 | 135-9 | 137-1 | 489-1 | 145-0 | 289-9 | 248-4 | 249-5 | 266-4 | 129-2 | 270-9 | 245-1 | 800-8 |
2022-01-06 | 144-9 | 128-1 | 127-0 | 446-4 | 900-9 | 245-1 | 677-0 | 337-3 | 238-3 | 147-2 | 550-0 | 124-7 |
2022-01-07 | 345-2 | 458-7 | 340-7 | 456-5 | 579-1 | 444-2 | 347-4 | 255-2 | 577-9 | 557-7 | 290-1 | 190-0 |
2022-01-08 | 159-5 | 229-3 | 199-9 | 334-0 | 280-0 | 124-7 | 117-9 | 560-1 | 226-0 | 800-8 | 589-2 | 399-1 |
2022-01-09 | ***-* | ***-* | ***-* | ***-* | ***-* | ***-* | ***-* | ***-* | ***-* | ***-* | ***-* | ***-* |
2022-01-10 | 139-3 | 144-9 | 799-5 | 235-0 | 149-4 | 446-4 | 159-5 | 123-6 | 259-6 | 260-8 | 348-5 | 189-8 |
2022-01-11 | 246-2 | 180-9 | 159-5 | 129-2 | 125-8 | 166-3 | 140-5 | 369-8 | 338-4 | 457-6 | 689-3 | 688-2 |
2022-01-12 | 128-1 | 389-0 | 247-3 | 589-2 | 468-8 | 190-0 | 280-0 | 700-7 | 590-4 | 234-9 | 268-6 | 890-7 |
2022-01-13 | 135-9 | 569-0 | 358-6 | 880-6 | 139-3 | 889-5 | 290-1 | 580-3 | 100-1 | 567-8 | 246-2 | 668-0 |
2022-01-14 | 467-7 | 137-1 | 224-8 | 134-8 | 789-4 | 146-1 | 466-6 | 788-3 | 135-9 | 000-0 | 570-2 | 250-7 |
2022-01-15 | 139-3 | 180-9 | 146-1 | 479-0 | 289-9 | 200-2 | 367-6 | 670-3 | 468-8 | 778-2 | 578-0 | 990-8 |
2022-01-16 | **** | **** | **** | **** | **** | **** | **** | **** | **** | **** | **** | **** |
2022-01-17 | 159-5 | 880-6 | 699-4 | 260-8 | 268-6 | 149-4 | 488-0 | 249-5 | 568-9 | 480-2 | 678-1 | 580-3 |
2022-01-18 | 458-7 | 599-3 | 380-1 | 123-6 | 145-0 | 244-0 | 378-8 | 122-5 | 455-4 | 290-1 | 667-9 | 456-5 |
2022-01-19 | 128-1 | 680-4 | 150-6 | 277-6 | 134-8 | 568-9 | 225-9 | 567-8 | 447-5 | 679-2 | 990-8 | 124-7 |
2022-01-20 | 678-1 | 120-3 | 136-0 | 149-4 | 258-5 | 137-1 | 290-1 | 167-4 | 124-7 | 146-1 | 189-8 | 229-3 |
2022-01-21 | 100-1 | 689-3 | 668-0 | 116-8 | 127-0 | 157-3 | 778-2 | 237-2 | 444-2 | 379-9 | 790-6 | 470-1 |
2022-01-22 | 299-0 | 356-4 | 469-9 | 156-2 | 566-7 | 189-8 | 458-7 | 280-0 | 338-4 | 350-8 | 138-2 | 489-1 |
2022-01-23 | **** | **** | **** | **** | **** | **** | **** | **** | **** | **** | **** | **** |
2022-01-24 | 344-1 | 148-3 | 600-6 | 128-1 | 115-7 | 330-6 | 500-5 | 246-2 | 589-2 | 689-3 | 190-0 | 129-2 |
2022-01-25 | 459-8 | 120-3 | 118-0 | 136-0 | 179-7 | 228-2 | 245-1 | 599-3 | 199-9 | 590-4 | 380-1 | 900-9 |
2022-01-26 | **** | **** | **** | **** | **** | **** | **** | **** | **** | **** | **** | **** |
2022-01-27 | 112-4 | 234-9 | 470-1 | 158-4 | 200-2 | 580-3 | 247-3 | 477-8 | 348-5 | 488-0 | 567-8 | 180-9 |
2022-01-28 | 146-1 | 457-6 | 123-6 | 450-9 | 248-4 | 889-5 | 355-3 | 789-4 | 190-0 | 689-3 | 269-7 | 345-2 |
2022-01-29 | 139-3 | 499-2 | 700-7 | 179-7 | 566-7 | 125-8 | 347-4 | 138-2 | 259-6 | 223-7 | 137-1 | 189-8 |
2022-01-30 | **** | **** | **** | **** | **** | **** | **** | **** | **** | **** | **** | **** |
2022-01-31 | 128-1 | 240-6 | 588-1 | 257-4 | 279-8 | 600-6 | 689-3 | 670-3 | 158-4 | 458-7 | 688-2 | 359-7 |
2022-02-01 | 890-7 | 378-8 | 137-1 | 159-5 | 147-2 | 589-2 | 488-0 | 680-4 | 690-5 | 800-8 | 123-6 | 390-2 |
2022-02-02 | 550-0 | 140-5 | 590-4 | 678-1 | 390-2 | 120-3 | 129-2 | 127-0 | 259-6 | 111-3 | 347-4 | 139-3 |
2022-02-03 | 126-9 | 270-9 | 137-1 | 345-2 | 124-7 | 679-2 | 227-1 | 346-3 | 468-8 | 560-1 | 460-0 | 244-0 |
2022-02-04 | 380-1 | 570-2 | 488-0 | 280-0 | 457-6 | 234-9 | 189-8 | 228-2 | 799-5 | 470-1 | 589-2 | 556-6 |
2022-02-05 | 130-4 | 170-8 | 155-1 | 150-6 | 345-2 | 117-9 | 300-3 | 149-4 | 400-4 | 125-8 | 129-2 | 138-2 |
2022-02-06 | 133-7 | 127-0 | 122-5 | 125-8 | 580-3 | 679-2 | 258-5 | 156-2 | **** | **** | **** | **** |
2022-02-07 | 157-3 | 146-1 | 256-3 | 389-0 | 135-9 | 477-8 | 489-1 | 225-9 | 688-2 | 290-1 | 590-4 | 580-3 |
2022-02-08 | 220-4 | 380-1 | 259-6 | 360-9 | 260-8 | 237-2 | 119-1 | 357-5 | 780-5 | 145-0 | 800-8 | 246-2 |
2022-02-09 | 226-0 | 140-5 | 177-5 | 470-1 | 346-3 | 123-6 | 133-7 | 237-2 | 149-4 | 125-8 | 350-8 | 180-9 |
2022-02-10 | 568-9 | 560-1 | 488-0 | 358-6 | 169-6 | 890-7 | 348-5 | 128-1 | 179-7 | 190-0 | 118-0 | 500-5 |
2022-02-11 | 245-1 | 367-6 | 129-2 | 566-7 | 139-3 | 158-4 | 225-9 | 399-1 | 159-5 | 569-0 | 240-6 | 156-2 |
2022-02-12 | 457-6 | 670-3 | 569-0 | 170-8 | 558-8 | 137-1 | 356-4 | 580-3 | 389-0 | 339-5 | 126-9 | 248-4 |
2022-02-13 | 127-0 | 124-7 | 200-2 | 559-9 | 189-8 | 247-3 | 278-7 | 248-4 | **** | **** | **** | **** |
2022-02-14 | 460-0 | 469-9 | 679-2 | 160-7 | 267-5 | 240-6 | 226-0 | 148-3 | 347-4 | 146-1 | 470-1 | 367-6 |
2022-02-15 | 378-8 | 667-9 | 145-0 | 567-8 | 479-0 | 890-7 | 156-2 | 360-9 | 119-1 | 280-0 | 338-4 | 170-8 |
2022-02-16 | 268-6 | 223-7 | 700-7 | 123-6 | 246-2 | 146-1 | 000-0 | 160-7 | 369-8 | 389-0 | 179-7 | 148-3 |
2022-02-17 | 589-2 | 299-0 | 380-1 | 560-1 | 580-3 | 570-2 | 340-7 | 120-3 | 224-8 | 379-9 | 550-0 | 780-5 |
2022-02-18 | 399-1 | 260-8 | 158-4 | 449-7 | 129-2 | 445-3 | 899-6 | 578-0 | 478-9 | 124-7 | 224-8 | 167-4 |
2022-02-19 | 168-5 | 559-9 | 349-6 | 356-4 | 588-1 | 668-0 | 345-2 | 236-1 | 456-5 | 188-7 | 137-1 | 678-1 |
2022-02-20 | 457-6 | 190-0 | 234-9 | 480-2 | 689-3 | 300-3 | 299-0 | 147-2 | **** | **** | **** | **** |
2022-02-21 | 348-5 | 488-0 | 200-2 | 379-9 | 226-0 | 123-6 | 489-1 | 458-7 | 159-5 | 778-2 | 178-6 | 228-2 |
2022-02-22 | 289-9 | 280-0 | 279-8 | 290-1 | 236-1 | 367-6 | 679-2 | 247-3 | 550-0 | 179-7 | 170-8 | 447-5 |
2022-02-23 | 590-4 | 117-9 | 480-2 | 377-7 | 678-1 | 230-5 | 145-0 | 269-7 | 138-2 | 130-4 | 118-0 | 255-2 |
2022-02-24 | 259-6 | 880-6 | 224-8 | 679-2 | 100-1 | 280-0 | 456-5 | 148-3 | 360-9 | 900-9 | 169-6 | 250-7 |
2022-02-25 | 568-9 | 579-1 | 455-4 | 347-4 | 245-1 | 247-3 | 123-6 | 499-2 | 777-1 | 780-5 | 124-7 | 340-7 |
2022-02-26 | 122-5 | 290-1 | 125-8 | 477-8 | 119-1 | 246-2 | 145-0 | 460-0 | 700-7 | 470-1 | 348-5 | 679-2 |
2022-02-27 | 389-0 | 689-3 | 560-1 | 127-0 | 122-5 | 557-7 | 550-0 | 199-9 | **** | **** | **** | **** |
2022-02-28 | 457-6 | 227-1 | 578-0 | 467-7 | 390-2 | 189-8 | 580-3 | 128-1 | 346-3 | 459-8 | 299-0 | 489-1 |
2022-03-01 | 289-9 | 146-1 | 789-4 | 999-7 | 190-0 | 678-1 | 233-8 | 179-7 | 139-3 | 778-2 | 126-9 | 500-5 |
2022-03-02 | 147-2 | 399-1 | 580-3 | 569-0 | 389-0 | 240-6 | 790-6 | 400-4 | 260-8 | 370-0 | 340-7 | 159-5 |
2022-03-03 | 469-9 | 268-6 | 470-1 | 224-8 | 480-2 | 220-4 | 277-6 | 270-9 | 360-9 | 569-0 | 258-5 | 290-1 |
2022-03-04 | 247-3 | 590-4 | 280-0 | 123-6 | 678-1 | 250-7 | 379-9 | 158-4 | 388-9 | 125-8 | 380-1 | 570-2 |
2022-03-05 | 480-2 | 180-9 | 356-4 | 500-5 | 228-2 | 450-9 | 126-9 | 489-1 | 350-8 | 448-6 | 100-1 | 235-0 |
2022-03-06 | 669-1 | 780-5 | 149-4 | 678-1 | 169-6 | 244-0 | 300-3 | 128-1 | **** | **** | **** | **** |
2022-03-07 | 179-7 | 470-1 | 149-4 | 123-6 | 129-2 | 189-8 | 227-1 | 147-2 | 347-4 | 146-1 | 456-5 | 100-1 |
2022-03-08 | 136-0 | 400-4 | 469-9 | 389-0 | 258-5 | 257-4 | 460-0 | 447-5 | 124-7 | 236-1 | 135-9 | 145-0 |
2022-03-09 | 170-8 | 278-7 | 129-2 | 200-2 | 488-0 | 700-7 | 250-7 | 467-7 | 580-3 | 569-0 | 400-4 | 589-2 |
2022-03-10 | 679-2 | 179-7 | 247-3 | 389-0 | 100-1 | 139-3 | 000-0 | 690-5 | 137-1 | 580-3 | 567-8 | 800-8 |
2022-03-11 | 258-5 | 137-1 | 390-2 | 277-6 | 145-0 | 138-2 | 889-5 | 120-3 | 149-4 | 789-4 | 890-7 | 680-4 |
2022-03-12 | 126-9 | 347-4 | 400-4 | 589-2 | 127-0 | 780-5 | 259-6 | 100-1 | 570-2 | 346-3 | 489-1 | 129-2 |
2022-03-13 | 890-7 | 137-1 | 123-6 | 600-6 | 246-2 | 122-5 | 456-5 | 489-1 | **** | **** | **** | **** |
2022-03-14 | 340-7 | 258-5 | 457-6 | 678-1 | 139-3 | 200-2 | 228-2 | 250-7 | 224-8 | 128-1 | 346-3 | 470-1 |
2022-03-15 | 234-9 | 138-2 | 248-4 | 489-1 | 159-5 | 246-2 | 100-1 | 112-4 | 567-8 | 580-3 | 379-9 | 189-8 |
2022-03-16 | 136-0 | 118-0 | 899-6 | 280-0 | 123-6 | 157-3 | 119-1 | 146-1 | 456-5 | 128-1 | 290-1 | 780-5 |
2022-03-17 | 120-3 | 288-8 | 137-1 | 157-3 | 280-0 | 680-4 | 335-1 | 222-6 | 299-0 | 236-1 | 111-3 | 290-1 |
2022-03-18 | ***-* | ***-* | ***-* | ***-* | ***-* | ***-* | ***-* | ***-* | ***-* | ***-* | ***-* | ***-* |
2022-03-19 | 136-0 | 780-5 | 123-6 | 880-6 | 157-3 | 356-4 | 118-0 | 888-4 | 299-0 | 155-1 | 157-3 | 899-6 |
2022-03-20 | 280-0 | 249-5 | 230-5 | 577-9 | 899-6 | 280-0 | 580-3 | 000-0 | ***-* | ***-* | ***-* | ***-* |
2022-03-21 | 134-8 | 799-5 | 139-3 | 679-2 | 157-3 | 235-0 | 444-2 | 290-1 | 666-8 | 678-1 | 550-0 | 499-2 |
2022-03-22 | 138-2 | 290-1 | 145-0 | 778-2 | 145-0 | 169-6 | 500-5 | 999-7 | 200-2 | 278-7 | 259-6 | 120-3 |
2022-03-23 | 567-8 | 489-1 | 789-4 | 240-6 | 126-9 | 246-2 | 499-2 | 137-1 | 449-7 | 380-1 | 266-4 | 389-0 |
2022-03-24 | 360-9 | 480-2 | 688-2 | 120-3 | 250-7 | 260-8 | 550-0 | 348-5 | 190-0 | 588-1 | 560-1 | 259-6 |
2022-03-25 | 369-8 | 257-4 | 124-7 | 580-3 | 600-6 | 248-4 | 559-9 | 156-2 | 560-1 | 128-1 | 477-8 | 137-1 |
2022-03-26 | 159-5 | 345-2 | 179-7 | 123-6 | 446-4 | 247-3 | 357-5 | 377-7 | 900-9 | 147-2 | 689-3 | 267-5 |
2022-03-27 | 369-8 | 560-1 | 258-5 | 129-2 | 139-3 | 800-8 | 240-6 | 389-0 | **** | **** | **** | **** |
2022-03-28 | 678-1 | 145-0 | 234-9 | 158-4 | 467-7 | 149-4 | 290-1 | 560-1 | 567-8 | 120-3 | 357-5 | 126-9 |
2022-03-29 | 570-2 | 700-7 | 489-1 | 124-7 | 189-8 | 399-1 | 559-9 | 277-6 | 248-4 | 247-3 | 100-1 | 255-2 |
2022-03-30 | 155-1 | 346-3 | 699-4 | 128-1 | 900-9 | 190-0 | 129-2 | 380-1 | 125-8 | 259-6 | 159-5 | 235-0 |
2022-03-31 | 138-2 | 599-3 | 560-1 | 248-4 | 357-5 | 367-6 | 123-6 | 278-7 | 579-1 | 338-4 | 260-8 | 678-1 |
2022-04-01 | 137-1 | 224-8 | 566-7 | 167-4 | 489-1 | 126-9 | 570-2 | 389-0 | 159-5 | 789-4 | 600-6 | 223-7 |
2022-04-02 | 169-6 | 146-1 | 147-2 | 139-3 | 247-3 | 155-1 | 189-8 | 137-1 | 379-9 | 369-8 | 149-4 | 159-5 |
2022-04-03 | 300-3 | 344-1 | 129-2 | 179-7 | 258-5 | 128-1 | 567-8 | **** | **** | **** | **** | **** |
2022-04-04 | 579-1 | 789-4 | 900-9 | 457-6 | 159-5 | 578-0 | 590-4 | 119-1 | 470-1 | 129-2 | 224-8 | 389-0 |
2022-04-05 | 248-4 | 234-9 | 489-1 | 124-7 | 367-6 | 589-2 | 127-0 | 167-4 | 270-9 | 800-8 | 480-2 | 345-2 |
2022-04-06 | 569-0 | 227-1 | 139-3 | 590-4 | 123-6 | 699-4 | 488-0 | 126-9 | 190-0 | 246-2 | 189-8 | 480-2 |
2022-04-07 | 138-2 | 670-3 | 130-4 | 578-0 | 348-5 | 125-8 | 355-3 | 447-5 | 129-2 | 169-6 | 137-1 | 111-3 |
2022-04-08 | 100-1 | 580-3 | 229-3 | 147-2 | 456-5 | 228-2 | 667-9 | 240-6 | 118-0 | 136-0 | 468-8 | 124-7 |
2022-04-09 | 338-4 | 390-2 | 280-0 | 488-0 | 178-6 | 469-9 | 156-2 | 580-3 | 136-0 | 349-6 | 278-7 | 688-2 |
2022-04-10 | 489-1 | 340-7 | 449-7 | 467-7 | 116-8 | 338-4 | 567-8 | **** | **** | **** | **** | **** |
2022-04-11 | 689-3 | 240-6 | 470-1 | 479-0 | 278-7 | 780-5 | 130-4 | 146-1 | 110-2 | 678-1 | 155-1 | 159-5 |
2022-04-12 | 129-2 | 600-6 | 290-1 | 138-2 | 127-0 | 180-9 | 880-6 | 146-1 | 200-2 | 447-5 | 789-4 | 379-9 |
2022-04-13 | 279-8 | 190-0 | 128-1 | 129-2 | 227-1 | 180-9 | 780-5 | 235-0 | 246-2 | 166-3 | 245-1 | 126-9 |
2022-04-14 | 145-0 | 258-5 | 234-9 | 260-8 | 157-3 | 460-0 | 389-0 | 149-4 | 228-2 | 568-9 | 124-7 | 159-5 |
2022-04-15 | 466-6 | 199-9 | 350-8 | 124-7 | 234-9 | 339-5 | 145-0 | 169-6 | 255-2 | 226-0 | 477-8 | 400-4 |
2022-04-16 | 678-1 | 379-9 | 569-0 | 157-3 | 560-1 | 224-8 | 234-9 | 600-6 | 137-1 | 489-1 | 145-0 | 148-3 |
2022-04-17 | 788-3 | 170-8 | 700-7 | 488-0 | 137-1 | 348-5 | 200-2 | **** | **** | **** | **** | **** |
2022-04-18 | 467-7 | 379-9 | 167-4 | 389-0 | 179-7 | 377-7 | 259-6 | 579-1 | 699-4 | 550-0 | 234-9 | 580-3 |
2022-04-19 | 148-3 | 800-8 | 599-3 | 140-5 | 240-6 | 137-1 | 129-2 | 135-9 | 149-4 | 150-6 | 458-7 | 137-1 |
2022-04-20 | 348-5 | 290-1 | 670-3 | 347-4 | 145-0 | 249-5 | 469-9 | 477-8 | 500-5 | 369-8 | 588-1 | 125-8 |
2022-04-21 | 456-5 | 380-1 | 445-3 | 790-6 | 678-1 | 299-0 | 338-4 | 129-2 | 139-3 | 190-0 | 348-5 | 248-4 |
2022-04-22 | 489-1 | 300-3 | 260-8 | 180-9 | 234-9 | 257-4 | 120-3 | 159-5 | 224-8 | 137-1 | 246-2 | 580-3 |
2022-04-23 | 156-2 | 999-7 | 138-2 | 122-5 | 124-7 | 369-8 | 360-9 | 357-5 | 789-4 | 126-9 | 129-2 | 480-2 |
2022-04-24 | 250-7 | 456-5 | 199-9 | 247-3 | 124-7 | 488-0 | 249-5 | **** | **** | **** | **** | **** |
2022-04-25 | 137-1 | 690-5 | 278-7 | 127-0 | 560-1 | 147-2 | 338-4 | 789-4 | 126-9 | 148-3 | 678-1 | 123-6 |
2022-04-26 | 277-6 | 145-0 | 447-5 | 380-1 | 880-6 | 120-3 | 588-1 | 559-9 | 378-8 | 379-9 | 890-7 | 480-2 |
2022-04-27 | 356-4 | 349-6 | 223-7 | 139-3 | 137-1 | 289-9 | 167-4 | 467-7 | 800-8 | 123-6 | 259-6 | 137-1 |
2022-04-28 | 389-0 | 489-1 | 360-9 | 338-4 | 360-9 | 178-6 | 130-4 | 780-5 | 140-5 | 460-0 | 790-6 | 670-3 |
2022-04-29 | 290-1 | 199-9 | 179-7 | 135-9 | 570-2 | 123-6 | 124-7 | 149-4 | 280-0 | 790-6 | 290-1 | 380-1 |
2022-04-30 | 170-8 | 469-9 | 145-0 | 499-2 | 123-6 | 134-8 | 345-2 | 470-1 | 379-9 | 178-6 | 145-0 | 190-0 |
2022-05-01 | 235-0 | 568-9 | 370-0 | 378-8 | 100-1 | 290-1 | 127-0 | - | - | - | - | - |
2022-05-02 | ***-* | |||||||||||
2022-05-05 | 136-0 | 135-9 | 119-1 | 123-6 | 345-2 | 489-1 | 446-4 | 458-7 | 139-3 | 229-3 | 399-1 | 346-3 |
2022-05-06 | 166-3 | 178-6 | 123-6 | 149-4 | 229-3 | 159-5 | 789-4 | 890-7 | 289-9 | 190-0 | 125-8 | 880-6 |
2022-05-07 | 358-6 | 199-9 | 258-5 | 128-1 | 170-8 | 189-8 | 227-1 | 799-5 | 280-0 | 467-8 | 290-1 | 466-6 |
2022-05-08 | 120-3 | 180-9 | 489-1 | 129-2 | 178-6 | 666-8 | 440-8 | |||||
2022-05-09 | 469-9 | 159-5 | 688-2 | 890-7 | 144-9 | 678-1 | 269-7 | 149-4 | 356-4 | 128-1 | 580-3 | 129-2 |
2022-05-10 | 259-6 | 369-8 | 225-9 | 115-7 | 129-2 | 167-4 | 489-1 | 290-1 | 590-4 | 350-8 | 123-6 | 245-1 |
2022-05-11 | 678-1 | 570-2 | 990-8 | 690-5 | 123-6 | 245-1 | 124-7 | 700-7 | 190-0 | 289-9 | 590-4 | 490-3 |
2022-05-12 | 116-8 | 129_2 | 189-8 | 880-6 | 333-9 | 190-0 | 179-7 | 580-3 | 245-1 | 149-4 | 250-7 | 235-0 |
2022-05-13 | 679-2 | 567-8 | 890-7 | 290-1 | 880-6 | 346-3 | 159-5 | 488-0 | 189-8 | 356-4 | 289-9 | 136-0 |
2022-05-14 | 140-5 | 990-8 | 135-9 | 467-7 | 290-1 | 446-4 | 457-6 | 228-2 | 229-3 | 120-3 | 790-6 | 145-0 |
2022-05-15 | 590-4 | 300-3 | 189-8 | 180-9 | 690-5 | 123-6 | 177-5 | |||||
2022-05-16 | 234-9 | 678-1 | 280-0 | 123-6 | 124-7 | 690-5 | 190-0 | 269-7 | 289-9 | 100-1 | 890-7 | 229-3 |
2022-05-17 | 119-1 | 134-8 | 245-1 | 140-5 | 249-5 | 136-0 | 199-9 | 446-4 | 180-9 | 139-3 | 799-5 | 129-2 |
2022-05-18 | 100-1 | 128-1 | 459-8 | 678-1 | 280-0 | 277-6 | 580-3 | 899-6 | 123-6 | 990-8 | 140-5 | 123-6 |
2022-05-19 | 177-5 | 190-0 | 128-1 | 679-2 | 280-0 | 799-5 | 790-6 | 149-4 | 122-5 | 679-2 | 129-2 | 169-6 |
2022-05-20 | 144-9 | 228-2 | 299-0 | 288-8 | 235-0 | 480-2 | 159-5 | 123-6 | 128-1 | 100-1 | 559-9 | 346-3 |
2022-05-21 | 125-8 | 155-1 | 135-9 | 580-3 | 367-6 | 259-6 | 117-9 | 467-7 | 124-7 | 666-8 | 123-6 | |
2022-05-22 | 377-7 | 239-4 | 128-1 | 459-8 | 445-3 | 149-4 | 100-1 | |||||
2022-05-23 | 190-0 | 123-6 | 245-1 | 229-3 | 890-7 | 140-5 | 467-7 | 660-2 | 380-1 | 379-9 | 119-1 | 900-9 |
2022-05-24 | 155-1 | 120-3 | 190-0 | 180-9 | 890-7 | 150-6 | 100-1 | 189-8 | 179-7 | 166-8 | 228-2 | 300-3 |
2022-05-25 | 700-7 | 288-8 | 577-9 | 145-0 | 123-6 | 128-1 | 230-5 | 789-4 | 190-0 | 779-3 | 678-1 | 559-9 |
2022-05-26 | 560-1 | 569-0 | 289-9 | 680-4 | 566-7 | 489-1 | 899-6 | 389-0 | 229-3 | 479-0 | 770-4 | 188-7 |
2022-05-27 | 490-3 | 280-0 | 556-6 | 290-1 | 336-2 | 990-8 | 480-2 | 350-8 | 166-3 | 227-1 | 388-9 | 169-6 |
2022-06-01 |
Aap ke Liye Laaye Hain
VIP Membership Offer
Booking Time Morning - 09.00AM TO 03.00PM
Night - 06.00PM TO 08.00PM
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Ans: Some people Matka Play believes that matka is game of luck and some people believes that it is the game of perfect guess. but in my words it is the game of both luck and perfect guess. matka was started 60 years ago by matka king ratan khatri. and now it is popular in all the world.
Ans: Matka is played in various types as single jodi and patti. it is played as in half sangam and full sangam as well. matka is the only game where u can earn money in very short time.
single means open close one digit single ank.
jodi means - both digit open and close digit is combined in as jodi.
patti - when a open digit or close digit is declared in matka it is declared by 3 digit called patti. the total of 3 digit called open and close as well.
Ans: Matka Can be won by getting perfect guess of matka professors and dpboss. You can play safely by playing 3 or 4 digit daily and get these digits from our website that we publish on our free game page.
Ans: In 1961 - 59 Years ago matka was started by ratan khatri.and the first name of matka was worli matka. and it reached its peak on 1980s and 1990s. Since then matka is growing very fast. and its a very loving and intrestin game by players where u can win money also while playing.
Ans: Single - Any digit between 0 to 9.
jodi - any pair between 00 to 99.
patti - the total of 3 digit in as open and close is called patti
Ans: Satta Matka originated in the 1950s when people started to place bets on the opening and closing rate of cotton which was being transmitted to the Bombay Cotton Exchange from the New York Cotton Exchange, via teleprinters. The New York Cotton Exchange halted the practice in 1961, causing the gamblers/punters to look for another way in order to keep the Satta Matka business alive. They turned to pieces of paper.
Back then, in Satta Matka numbers from 0-9 were written on pieces of paper, these were then placed into a matka. An individual would then pick a piece of paper from the matka and read out the winning numbers. As times changed so did the Satta Matka lottery. Now, three numbers are drawn from a pack of cards when playing offline.
The decades of the 1980s and 1990s saw the Matka business at its peak. Betting volumes were in the Rs 50 crore-range every month. As the Matka business grew in size, there was a heavy crackdown from the police as gambling is illegal in India.
Satta Matka shifted online over the years. Instead of a person picking a price of paper, the winning numbers are randomly generated now. People can now participate in the Satta Matka lottery through various websites on which the Satta Matka lottery game is played.
Ans: SattaMatka is a game of chance and is based on number selection and bidding. But to acquire all the money you want the lucky number. A major betting tendency in the sub-continent sattamatka's sport requires that you opt for the amount that is ideal for winning the game and getting the Satta king in the process. It is going to also be lucrative as the winner takes all in this game which may be huge financial advantage for you.
It is very popular game in throughout the world and also in India. More people have begun making cash bets upon gambling and gaming in India. Gambling's haters claim that it contributes to corruption, crime and money laundering while controlled gambling system in India could be a massive source of revenue for the state. Let alone casinos in Goa contributed Rs. 135 crores to the state revenue in 2013.
This game was very popular before 90's. But, as the era of Web began, this game began to rise up in online format. The matka industry discovered a new method to exist in form of presence on the Internet.
The sport of Satta matka is really simple to understand and perform with. The Kalyan matka game was introduces Kalyanji Bhagat in 1962 and Ratan Khatri introduced in 70's Waroli matka.
In 21st century many websites began to pop up on the Internet. Many websites began to provide amenities for playing games, guessing discussion boards, satta graphs and matka outcomes.
Step 1 is to select (3) numbers from 0--9. For example 5, 3, 6 are your first chosen random numbers from given 0--9. To add more thrill and material to the recreation, the amounts are subsequently included/added (5 + 3 + 6) and a previous number is provided. In this case it is 14. At this time you have to maintain 1 digit of the number, that's the one. It will be the 4. So your initial draw will be 4.
There are also another set of numbers which is drawn. The process is similar like measure 1. The principles for picking 2nd number is like the first draw. As a case that is random, the amounts are accepted by lets 8, 2, 8. So our final choice for the draw of amounts would be 8 this provides a sum of 18 to us, we just only keep the final digit
our last card would resemble this: 5, 3, and 6 *4 *8. Here is an example card.
You can Win
you’ve got rate pay-outs and different options stretching from 9/1 to 999/1, to succeed at SattaMatka game. An individual can bet on another sort of wager, last, or the entire chance of all numbers being decided into the main. It may be a sport because of the pay-out multiplies, but the sport is only a game of chance and for that reason can't be beaten. It takes all the chance to win but, a lot of people play with them and are superstitious about their numbers, exactly like the lottery games.
After accepting you win, the matka expert is just expected to choose a most maximum of 5% of your bet amount. So, neither the agent nor the bettor has some edge considering that the game is all depended on fortune, the bookie should take home 5 percent on every Rupee. If heavy is being placed on a number, or combination of numbers and those numbers are picked, it is extremely likely your bookie will vanish because he can not afford to pay the wagers.
At the point when the numbers and cards are chosen, by and large around evening time at 9pm and 12 the winners are announced. This is the manner by. It's known as matka result.
For Example:Is drawn: 9 X Your Wager of 10Rs = 90 Rs.
Matka live result
Boom! See the cash? It's possible to make 90x cash that you have in your pocket at the moment! You can become wealthy.
More and people are currently getting drawn towards the matka game. Therefore, what are you waiting for? Test your fortune and become rich!
Satta Matka might have be illegal in some region of India but it the most played betting game by Indian People.
How to Get Satte Number?
The numbers from 1 to 9 are called Munda and the numbers from 10 to 100 are called Dada. The dream of a man or woman who has never placed a bet is passed, that is, the number of the bet is calculated by adding the number to their dream. Talking about Satta, Satta Matka Madhur Bazar is quite famous.
How to Win Matka Every Day?
Additionally, it is also important to remain disciplined and avoid impulsive betting. Set yourself a budget and stick to it. Avoid chasing losses or betting more than you can afford. Remember, Satta Matka should be an enjoyable and entertaining experience and not a financial burden.
What is Kalyan Panel?
Kalyan Panel Chart is a type of gambling that is popular in India. It is a number based game in which players select a number and then try to predict the outcome. In the wellness panel chart, the outcome is determined by a set of three numbers.
Is there any Formula for Matcha?
There is no specific formula to predict the numbers drawn in the game of Satta Matka, as the numbers are determined by chance. Satta Matka is a form of gambling that is based on random drawing of numbers, and it is not possible to accurately predict the outcome of the game.
Date :- 09-09-2024
Time Bazar Single Jodi = 05 pass
Milan Day Single Jodi = 87 pass
Kalyan Fix Single Jodi = 69 pass Panna = 450 pass
Milan Night single Close Panna = 290 pass
Rajdhani Night Single Jodi = 83 Open panna = 800 pass
Main Bazar single Jodi = 88 pass Panna = 350 pass
1 Days= 2100/-
1Week = 5100/-
15 Days = 8100/-
1 Month =15100/-
पोस्टिंग का समय कल्याण 3.15 बजे
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